SoundSpaces: Audio-Visual Navigation in 3D Environments

August 21, 2020


Moving around in the world is naturally a multisensory experience, but today's embodied agents are deaf---restricted to solely their visual perception of the environment. We introduce audio-visual navigation for complex, acoustically and visually realistic 3D environments. By both seeing and hearing, the agent must learn to navigate to a sounding object. We propose a multi-modal deep reinforcement learning approach to train navigation policies end-to-end from a stream of egocentric audio-visual observations, allowing the agent to (1) discover elements of the geometry of the physical space indicated by the reverberating audio and (2) detect and follow sound-emitting targets. We further introduce SoundSpaces: a first-of-its-kind dataset of audio renderings based on geometrical acoustic simulations for two sets of publicly available 3D environments (Matterport3D and Replica), and we instrument Habitat to support the new sensor, making it possible to insert arbitrary sound sources in an array of real-world scanned environments. Our results show that audio greatly benefits embodied visual navigation in 3D spaces, and our work lays groundwork for new research in embodied AI with audio-visual perception. Project:

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Written by

Kristen Grauman

Carl Schissler

Philip Robinson

Sebastià V. Amengual Garí

Unnat Jain

Vamsi Krishna Ithapu

Changan Chen

Ziad Al-Halah



Research Topics

Computer Vision

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