June 24, 2019
We propose an online algorithm for cumulative regret minimization in a stochastic multi-armed bandit. The algorithm adds O(t) i.i.d. pseudo-rewards to its history in round t and then pulls the arm with the highest average reward in its perturbed history. Therefore, we call it perturbed-history exploration (PHE). The pseudo-rewards are designed to offset the underestimated mean rewards of arms in round t with a high probability. We analyze PHE in a K-armed bandit and derive both O(K \Delta^{-1} \log n) and O(\sqrt{K n \log n}) bounds on its n-round regret, where \Delta denotes the minimum gap between the mean rewards of the optimal and suboptimal arms. The key to our analysis is a novel argument that shows that randomized Bernoulli rewards lead to optimism. We empirically compare PHE to several baselines and show that it is competitive with the best of them.
Written by
Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
Branislav Kveton
Craig Boutilier
Csaba Szepesvari
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Foundational models
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