May 8, 2018
This paper provides a review and commentary on the past, present, and future of numerical optimization algorithms in the context of machine learning applications. Through case studies on text classification and the training of deep neural networks, we discuss how optimization problems arise in machine learning and what makes them challenging. A major theme of our study is that large-scale machine learning represents a distinctive setting in which the stochastic gradient (SG) method has traditionally played a central role while conventional gradient-based nonlinear optimization techniques typically falter. Based on this viewpoint, we present a comprehensive theory of a straightforward, yet versatile SG algorithm, discuss its practical behavior, and highlight opportunities for designing algorithms with improved performance. This leads to a discussion about the next generation of optimization methods for large-scale machine learning, including an investigation of two main streams of research on techniques that diminish noise in the stochastic directions and methods that make use of second-order derivative approximations.
November 10, 2022
Unnat Jain, Abhinav Gupta, Himangi Mittal, Pedro Morgado
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Filip Radenovic, Abhimanyu Dubey, Dhruv Mahajan
November 06, 2022
October 25, 2022
Mustafa Mukadam, Austin Wang, Brandon Amos, Daniel DeTone, Jing Dong, Joe Ortiz, Luis Pineda, Maurizio Monge, Ricky Chen, Shobha Venkataraman, Stuart Anderson, Taosha Fan, Paloma Sodhi
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Naila Murray, Lei Wang, Piotr Koniusz, Shan Zhang
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April 30, 2018
Yedid Hoshen, Lior Wolf
April 30, 2018
December 11, 2019
Eliya Nachmani, Lior Wolf
December 11, 2019
April 30, 2018
Yedid Hoshen, Lior Wolf
April 30, 2018
November 01, 2018
Yedid Hoshen, Lior Wolf
November 01, 2018
Foundational models
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Foundational models