EGG: a toolkit for research on Emergence of lanGuage in Games

December 09, 2019


There is renewed interest in simulating language emergence among deep neural agents that communicate to jointly solve a task, spurred by the practical aim to develop language-enabled interactive AIs, as well as by theoretical questions about the evolution of human language. However, optimizing deep architectures connected by a discrete communication channel is technically challenging. We introduce EGG, a toolkit that simplifies the implementation of emergent-language communication games. EGG’s modular design provides a set of building blocks that the user can combine to create new games, easily navigating the optimization and architecture space. We hope that the tool will lower the technical barrier, and encourage researchers from various backgrounds to work in this exciting area.

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Written by

Evgeny Kharitonov

Diane Bouchacourt

Marco Baroni

Rahma Chaabouni



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