CLEVR-Dialog: A Diagnostic Dataset for Multi-Round Reasoning in Visual Dialog

September 19, 2019


Visual Dialog is a multimodal task of answering a sequence of questions grounded in an image, using the conversation history as context. It entails challenges in vision, language, reasoning, and grounding. However, studying these subtasks in isolation on large, real datasets is infeasible as it requires prohibitively-expensive complete annotation of the ‘state’ of all images and dialogs. We develop CLEVR-Dialog, a large diagnostic dataset for studying multi-round reasoning in visual dialog. Specifically, we construct a dialog grammar that is grounded in the scene graphs of the images from the CLEVR dataset. This combination results in a dataset where all aspects of the visual dialog are fully annotated. In total, CLEVR-Dialog contains 5 instances of 10-round dialogs for about 85k CLEVR images, totaling to 4.25M question-answer pairs. We use CLEVR-Dialog to benchmark performance of standard visual dialog models; in particular, on visual coreference resolution (as a function of the coreference distance). This is the first analysis of its kind for visual dia- log models that was not possible without this dataset. We hope the findings from CLEVR- Dialog will help inform the development of future models for visual dialog. Our code and dataset are publicly available.

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Written by

Marcus Rohrbach

Devi Parikh

Dhruv Batra

Satwik Kottur

José M. F. Moura



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