Our team advances the state of the art in natural language understanding and generation, and deploys these systems at scale to break down language barriers, enable people to understand and communicate with anyone, and to provide a safe experience—no matter what language they speak.
The opportunities and challenges of this work are immense. Billions of people use our services to connect and communicate in their preferred language, but many of these languages lack traditional NLP resources and our systems need to be robust to the informal tone, slang and typos often found in daily communication.
Our research spans multiple areas across NLP and machine learning, including deep learning/neural networks, machine translation, natural language understanding and generation, low-resource NLP, question answering, dialogue, and cross-lingual and cross-domain transfer learning.
June 03, 2019
Felix Wu, Angela Fan, Alexei Baevski, Yann Dauphin, Michael Auli
June 03, 2019
October 31, 2018
Guillaume Lample, Myle Ott, Alexis Conneau, Ludovic Denoyer, Marc'Aurelio Ranzato
October 31, 2018
July 15, 2018
Angela Fan, Michael Lewis, Yann Dauphin
July 15, 2018
October 29, 2018
Alexis Conneau, Ruty Rinott, Guillaume Lample, Adina Williams, Samuel R. Bowman, Holger Schwenk, Ves Stoyanov
October 29, 2018
Foundational models
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Foundational models