Yann Ollivier


After receiving a Ph.D. in probability and group theory, Yann joined the CNRS, the French national research institute. He initially worked on unveiling connections between probability, Markov chains, differential geometry, and discrete geometry. For this work, he was awarded the bronze medal of the CNRS. Due to a lifelong interest in artificial intelligence, Yann focused his research on machine learning and joined the computer science department at Paris-Sud University. Following the industrial development of deep learning, he joined Facebook AI Research. Yann works on understanding and improving the learning algorithms for neural networks. In the long term, he is interested in building general artificial intelligence systems. More specific fields of interest include the geometry of gradient descent algorithms, the dynamics of recurrent networks and online learning, better algorithms for reinforcement learning, and what "learning" means in terms of information theory.

Research Areas

Yann's Publications

December 02, 2018


The Description Length of Deep Learning Models

Yann Ollivier, LĂ©onard Blier

December 02, 2018

July 09, 2018


Mixed batches and symmetric discriminators for GAN training

Yann Ollivier, Corentin Tallec, Jakob Verbeek, Thomas Lucas

July 09, 2018